Category Archives for "Running"

Treadmill Challenge, Leadville training, and a new bike

Abbey custom steel 29er at the Gnome Shrine at Elv trail.

Last week was a good week of training, in all aspects. My new baby son is challenging my wife and I in the middle of the night. At least once or twice a week I’m hitting 4 or less hours of sleep. Not the best for recovery, but good for sleep deprivation training. And we all know how much you need that in a 100 miler. So, I just chalk it up to Leadville training (even though I whine about it from time to time). 🙂

Last week had a stellar 3-day block of training that started on Thursday afternoon with a 20 miler at Tumalo Falls with some good hill training and snow running while exploring snow levels in the high country. Next morning, I jammed out a awesome ride on my new Abbey custom steel 29er mountain bike (pictured) for 37 miles and almost three and a half hour ride. In the evening, I capped off my Friday with a 4-mile warm up running with Sean finished with the two of us going head to head in FootZone’s Treadmill Challenge put together by Max King. 10 minutes on a treadmill at 10% grade. I just edged out Meissner for the bout win. Finally, to top off my 3-day block, I got up at dawn Saturday morning and did a bike-run-bike workout by riding my cross commuter to the trailhead, running a hilly 14.5 miler with a summit of Lava Butte and Green Mountain for a stellar block of training topped off with little sleep (thanks Abe).

Hitting another big week this week and training right through SOB 50k this weekend in Ashland. Giddyup!

FootZone Treadmill Challenge, Friday night

Ah yeah, this Friday night, if you’re in Bend, First Friday Artwalk is going on downtown and Max King has put together a Treadmill Challenge at FootZone. The event will pair two runners against each other on identical treadmills. The treadmills will be set to 10% grade and the runners will go head to head for 10 minutes, farthest distance covered takes the bout!

I’ve been paired with Sean Meissner in the ultrarunner division. Should be a good time. So, come on down, drink some wine and watch Meissner and I suffer for 10 minutes. For more information, see the ‘Zone’s website. Giddyup.

1 Ultra Panel at Footzone, Wednesday evening, June 8

I’m back online after fighting a spring injury (yes, I’ve been silent…injuries suck and bum me out) and my wife giving birth to a new son in May. Still in the newborn haze of less than ideal sleep, but back training and glad to see some nice weather, FINALLY, in Central Oregon. So, to kick of the summer, and you’re in Bend, RSVP and come check out the Ultra Panel Discussion at Footzone in Downtown Bend on Wednesday evening (June 8). For more info see FootZone’s website. Should be informative from every angle.

Here’s who’s on the panel:

2 Coyote 2 Moon 100…well, 78-miler

Well, what can I say, the C2M adventure was a good one, even though the “fun run” got cancelled in the middle of the night…a 78 mile training run with 22,959 feet of climbing was well worth the adventure…

Thursday training run on the 7-mile Ray Miller Trail, just south of Ventura, CA overlooking the Pacific. Patagonia teammates Clark Zealand, Scott Wolfe and AJW in tow. © 2011 Stephanie Helguera

Mother Nature won this bout with some pretty darn strong weather. Bottom 3,000 feet of the course had heavy rain and the top 1,000 feet of the ridge was covered in a soup cloud with some snow and high winds. Visibility was challenging (3-10 feet at times), especially once night hit.

The Coyote Two Moon 100 Miler has a staggered start with the early folks starting on Friday evening at 6pm and the last group (my group)  started at 10am on Saturday under cloudy skies and upper 50s temps. I went out  with Karl and Padre up the first climb. Karl and I hung out on the lower 2/3s and chatted with Padre up ahead 40 meteres or so and finally toward the top I caught back up to Angle and we topped out the climb together and hit the first downhill. Karl ended up getting a yucca sticker in his IT band on the first climb, so he dropped off the pace a bit.

Justin soon gapped me and he stayed a few minutes ahead of me until about mile 28 on the climb out of Rose Valley. It was starting to sprinkle up that climb and by the time I climbed out of Rose Valley the 2nd time, it was raining down low and snowing up on the ridge. Not really sticking, just bad visibility going into night time was total junk. By nightfall I had about 15 minutes on Angle and 25 on Karl.

The weather really turned as I was heading down into Cozy Dell at about the 100k mark. The rain got really heavy and the clay section the last 2 miles into Cozy Dell aid station was like grease. I fist planted my bottles a few time in the mud skiing down to the aid station. But, kept feeling great and by the time I hit Gridley Top aid up top at 72 miles I was up by 30 minutes on Padre and 40 on Karl.

When I stepped out onto the pavement at Gridley Bottom (mile 78), Sheryl Meltzer was standing there with a giant umbrella and my drop bag with the news that the “fun run” had been cancelled. I guess a few folks were coming in to Gridley Top a bit hypothermic and the weather was really buffeting Gridley Top. Bummer. But, conditions were hard enough that after sweeping and getting all the runners off and checked out, they abandoned that aid station and vehicles and hiked out until the weather subsided.

Awesomely hard course and would love to run that course when there were clear skies and big views. Would be sweet. Definitely some of the most challenging conditions I’ve been in during an event. I was ready for the elements. I had cold hands a few times, but it wasn’t that cold…low 30s. Warm compared to what I’ve been training in the past few months. I had plenty of good layers (little shout out to Patagonia, nice duds y’all). I have to say, the two days in Ventura and running the Ray Miller Trail on Thursday were stellar and gave me a taste of the nice weather there. Great hanging at Patagonia HQs…good times with the team. AJW is always in rare form and bowling on Thursday was hilariously entertaining.

Good job out there C2M folks. Great aid stations, great volunteers. All in all…giddyup.

Bronco Billy and  Nacho Delgado at bowling night. © 2011 Stephanie Helguera

Heading into the evening after grabbing my lights and new Ultraspire Spry pack. Had been raining on and off at this point. Real weather hasdn’t hit this valley yet. Heading right into it on the way to the next aid station. © 2011 Stephanie Helguera

Getting some calories down in the calm before the weather socked in. © 2011 Stephanie Helguera

Chillin’ after Ray Miller Trail run. © 2011 Stephanie Helguera

Most of the Patagonia Ultrarunning Team outside the original “tin shed” where it all started at Patagonia HQs in Ventura.

6 coyote 2 moon travel drama

Wolfeman and I made it to our flight to find out I was bumped to standby…what?! Booked a flight over a month ago. Little drama in the waiting, but sitting in a seat. Got on. Giddyup!

4 Orcas Island 50k

Near the summit of Mt. Constitution (mile 22)

Photo Courtesy: Glenn Tachiyama

Scott Wolfe and I did a power trip up to James Varner’s Orcas Island 50k this past weekend. What a cool race. Tons of stellar Pacific NW singletrack, complete with some “Varner Miles.” Yes, be prepared for a wee bit over 31 miles. My garmin logged 31.75 in a very heavily treed course. My best guess would be closer to 34 or 35 miles with nearly 8,000 feet of climbing. Ah yeah, Bronco Billy likes. The extra credit was fine with me. I need for Coyote Two Moon 100 miler in March. Plus, I knew the Varner Miles were coming. Bill Huggins and Padre (aka Justin Angle) had mentioned it was a bit long. So, I was mentally ready for some bonus miles. James is really putting together a great set of races in the NW. He’s also getting quite the reputation for making them kinda hard too. Again, keep it up James…builds character. Check out his schedule at

Scott and I left Friday at 5:30am from Bend and arrived on the island at Camp Moran (race headquarters) at 6pm. 8 hours to Anacortes, WA, hour ferry ride and a half hour shuttle ride to the camp. Long day on the road, but all worth it. The course was stellar. It rained Friday night, but race morning dawned with no rain and in the 40s. Perfect for me with a sleeveless jersey and gloves.

After about a 15 minute jogging warm-up, I dropped my extra layers and met Scott, Padre, Huggnut and Adam at the start. At the start, a roadie named Justin took off like a shot and the rest of us settled into the groove in a chase pack (he would later get off course and finish well behind us). We were quickly on singletrack and climbing the first climb with Padre leading, me, then Seth Swanson. Soon Seth jumped ahead of me. So, Padre, Seth and I settled into a group with Wolfeman about 40 meters behind us, then a trailing group another 4o or so meters back with Huggnut, Adam and some other folks in that line.

We cruised along chatting as the early miles tucked behind us. This course has only 2 aids stations (plus a water only). 10.6, 19ish (water only) and 23 (at least by my garmin). As we were approaching the first aid at about mile 9.5 you traverse above the campground on nice singletrack and you can see the aid station. Well, I was due to take a gel and—something I typically warn newbies ultrarunners about—“don’t wait to eat…if it’s time to take a gel, even if you are 2 minutes from the aid station, take it!” Well, what did I do…yes, I waited. 7 or 8 minutes later, we were just arriving at the aid. Stupid. I was bonky. I took longer at the aid than Angle and Seth and lost contact with them.

Upon leaving, I surged to catch back up over the next mile or so, but my lack of calories caught up to me hard. I got within 40 yards of them by the start of the Powerlines climb (very steep) and bonked bad. Huggnut passed me, Adam passed me, I completely watched everyone quickly drop me and disappear out of sight down the trail above me on the hard climb. I was creeping up. I knew what I’d done and downed two gels, took an S cap, chugged water and kept plugging along until it caught up in my system. About mile 15 (3 or 4 miles later) I started feeling better and was able to get back into a decent rhythm. Soon I was through the water only spot and starting the long climb to the summit of Mt. Constitution (the high point) and the final aid station location.

I started feeling much better on this up and ran a ton with a few short hike breaks on very steep sections. Up toward the top I caught sight of Adam’s green Fleet Feet Seattle jersey and we came into the aid station nearly together. I asked him how he was doing…he just said, “Need calories!” and commenced to inhale a bunch of PB&J squares—I believe he ate all they had out on the paper plate and they had to make him more!

I topped off my two bottles with water and grabbed some gels (as I’d just taken my last one on the climb) and took off to try to catch Huggnut on the down. I was feeling really smooth on the downhill and within a half mile saw Huggins and passed him with a “how ya doin’, man?” and he just said “hangin’ in there.” I was hoping I might catch Seth or Angle if they blew up a little, but the remainder of the last 10 miles I just passed early starters. Come to find out, Padre and Seth ran super strong and consistent with Angle taking the win in 4h55m and Seth about 5 minutes back. I came across in 3rd in 5h13m, with Scott Wolfe in 4th about a minute and a half back (he had got off course a bit before the first aid station, along with roadie Justin).

All said and done, it was a great power trip to Orcas. Wolfe and I stopped in Yakima about halfway back on Sunday afternoon and did a shake out run up to the Yakima Skyline Trail on the Yakima Rim between Yakima and Ellensburg, WA. Which, is part of one of James’ other upcoming cool-looking races, the Yakima Skyline 50k. Looks like a sweet trail with spectacular views. Wow, James. I’m glad you’re doing all this hard work so we can go run these awesome courses. Hope to get out and support some of his events to keep them around. Giddyup!

3 2011 Bad Ass 50k Fun Run

The 5th Annual Bad Ass 50k ended up being a cold one. It was 17 degrees at the start with about 2-4 inches of snow on the ground in the Horseridge area, east of Bend, Oregon. The Cinder Butte had a little more off the NW ridge ATV trail section, complete with a few wind lips that made for a couple of drop offs you could jump and get air off of (little heal grab or something fancy). Due to the cold conditions, we only had 4 finish the 50k this year. However, I was surprised to see a a big group show up to run the other distances (9, 13, 22 milers).

50k Finishers
1) Maximus, 4:01
2) Bronco Billy, 4:32
3) Slayer, 4:42
4) Fatboy, 5:47

I have a 100 miler coming up in March and wanted to use this as a 3-day training block for some good volume ending with this run on tired legs. So, I squeezed in 4 runs in a 51 hour window totaling 60 miles. Felt pretty good considering. All in all a great day. Here’s a little video highlight. Giddyup!

Day before, 2011 Bad Ass 50k

Rod and I ran the Bad Ass loop so I could mark it this afternoon. A bit nippy out today…20 degrees at 2pm with good wind…BRISK BABY!! Conditions are not bad considering the solid winter we’re getting in Central Oregon. About 2-4 inches of snow on the course, but double track has nice hardpacked 4WD tracks in the snow to run on. The Cinder Butte NW Ridge ATV trail descent is blown in and has several layers of snow…maybe 6-12″ in most spots. Will be fun downhill tomorrow. Here’s a little video of our run today…I’m stacking up the mileage getting ready for Coyote Two Moon 100 miler in March. After Badass 50k tomorrow, I should squeeze in 60 miles in a 50 hour window in 4 runs…8.5, 4.4, 16, and 31 miles respectively. Giddyup!

Bad Ass 50k: update 1

I’m heading out this afternoon to mark the loop with Rod. I’ll tweet conditions when I’m done for anyone wondering on snow conditions. Last report (a week ago), was about an inch of snow and a little more off the NW side of Cinder Butte on the ATV trail descent. Not much. We’ve had some sun the past few days and the forecast for tomorrow is sunny, but cold. Low tonight is supposed to dip to single digits and tomorrow’s high is supposed to be around 28 degrees…probably a little warmer out there, but still chilly. Come with lots of layers and options and a change of clothes. Giddyup!

2 Day after Christmas dawn patrol on Tiger Mountain

I headed to Seattle for the holidays and met up with Justin Angle, Bill Huggins, Bryan Estes, and Angle’s dog Piper for a 16 mile trail run on Tiger Mountain just east of Seattle. Perfect weather with some clearing and got to see the moon, as we started out with headlamps and summited just as the sun was coming up. Awesome training run. Nice to just be in mud and out of the snow for a few days.

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